Mary Beth Ingham CSJ, member of the Leadership Team for the Sisters of St. Joseph, Orange, CA is an internationally known scholar of the teachings of John Duns Scotus. Professor of philosophical theology at The Franciscan School of Theology, Old Mission San Luis Rey, Oceanside, CA; Mary Beth is the author of Rejoicing in the Works of the Lord: Beauty in the Franciscan Tradition, CFIT Heritage Series VI, 2010, and Scotus for Dunces: An Introduction to the Subtle Doctor (2003). She is a member of the OFM Secretariat for the retrieval of the Franciscan Intellectual Tradition. She has contributed her scholarship to the long awaited CFIT sponsored book, The Franciscan Moral Vision: Responding to God’s Love. Mary Beth’s chapter is “Moral Goodness and Beauty.” Franciscan Institute Publications, 2013.