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It Pleases Me That You Should

Teach Sacred Theology

(50 minutes)

Michael Blastic OFM


The re-discovery of our Franciscan evangelical life has led to the renewal of interest in doing Franciscan theology which Michael describes as “talking about our search for God with a language that speaks to people in our world.”


Session 1: Introduction and overview of Franciscans doing theology.                           (7 minutes)


Session 2: Thomas of Celano’s insights into the Franciscan Charism.                              (7 minutes)


Session 3: Significance of these intuitions for Celano's work. (6 minutes)


Session 4: The development of Celano’s intuitions by Bonaventure and                           Scotus. (6 minutes)


Session 5: The reality of our post-modern world. (6 minutes)


Session 6: Doing Franciscan theology in response to present world                                 questions  (8 minutes)


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